Saturday 5 January 2008

Major web update

Well, I have spent the whole day (from 6am until 5pm) going through the images for the last 6 months and changing the files names to a more user friendly and uniform format. I have also changed all the files from PSD to TIF to make storage requirements somewhat smaller and to make them more cross-platform compatable.

I also checked the embedded profiles to make sure they were all uniformly Adobe RGB and that they were all pretty much the same size to enable straight A3 production. This will mean that I have less work to do when clients want a photo fast and it also means that clients use better referencing for them and me. Now if someone says I want to see everything you have on Bottlenose Dolphins I just write the folder to a DVD(s) and send it off.

All files also now have full and correct metadata attached which will help everyone, espeically if I need to find the original RAW file again.

Now all I need is to complete the defrag or all the drives (that can go overnight), backup all of 2007 onto the SAFE special disks and put them in the fireproof safe with 2006 etc.

The website has been overhauled with new images and higher quality jpegs and the new reference system. I have also finally got around to putting more useful educational materials on the site. Each wildlife pic now features the common and latin names, as well as specific details about the species and the shot. Where more than one image exists of a species then facts are spread over the whole series so each pic tell you something different (I hope).

Its a lot of work but I think it'll be worth it.

Although I might get cabin fever if I have to spend another day in front of the computer!

Its below freezing and more snow is forecast. We are planning however two trips this months alone. One to Chanonry Point to see the Dolphins again (hopefully) and another into the Cairngorms.

I am also keeping an eye on the local seals as two seem to be missing. This is probably not a something to worry about as the dynamics of the group does change but I want to see if they come back or now. I think one of them may have been pregnant and will be in the breeding grounds but the other was male and quite young - in some ways its him that worries me more but perhaps he's just got too big for this group and has been forced to find his own girls!

The mole is very active in the garden but I have only caught very slight glimpses of him (or her) for now. Trying to photograph the mole is going to be the challenge of 2008 I think!

Have a good weekend (what's left of it) and watch out for the ice.


Oh, I almost forgot. There are also two rather amusing pictures of me "in the field" on the website. I am not sure I camo is very flattering especially when its got about 6 layers under it to keep out the cold. I am NOT that fat, honest!

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